Voice Granting Agreement

Welcome to the SteosVoice (“SteosVoice”, the “Website”) Voice Agreement (the “Agreement”).

After registering on Our Website the Website User (“You”, “Your”, the “User”) is given the opportunity to use a synthesized voice from the voice gallery or upload a recorded audio file of Your pronunciation of sentences to Our Website for its further use to create a speech synthesis system with imitation of Your voice, providing speech synthesis service with voice imitation to any third parties, including but not limited to registered Users of SteosVoice platform (https://cybervoice.io), using the results of such a system by You, Us, any third parties, including but not limited to registered Users of the SteosVoice platform, for any purpose, by any means that do not contradict the Terms of Service and applicable law.

Granting Us an audio file of Your pronunciation of sentences constitutes grounds for transferring to Us an exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, non-transferable and non-sublicensable license to use the granted audio file within the creation and use of speech synthesis systems with voice imitation, granting speech synthesis services with voice imitation to any third parties, including but not limited to registered Users of the SteosVoice platform.

Rights You grant Us include:

  • creation of a speech synthesis system with imitation of Your voice;

  • granting services of speech synthesis with voice imitation to any third parties, including but not limited to registered Users of the SteosVoice platform;

  • use of the results of such a system by You, Us, any third parties, including but not limited to registered Users of the SteosVoice platform, for any purpose and by any means that do not contradict the Terms of Service and applicable law;

  • full broadcasting rights granting Us and any third parties, including but not limited to registered Users of the SteosVoice platform, possibility to use synthesized speech with voice imitation and audio files obtained as a result of such synthesis for any corporate, advertising, broadcasting purposes within the country as well as around the world.

Corporate, advertising purposes refer to any business-related use of synthesized speech with voice imitation and audio files to create and/or promote a service or product for profit, such as: explainer videos posted on company’s websites, social networks or email campaigns, audio books, podcasts, audio and video streaming services, including monetized content.

Broadcasting purposes refer to any full broadcasting that includes the Internet, radio, pay TV channels, including (for example): television commercials, radio advertisements, Internet radio and music/video streaming platforms, monetized content.

The above purposes strictly exclude any illegal, immoral or defamatory purposes set out in the Terms of Service for Users of the Website.

After granting an audio file of Your pronunciation of sentences, You are given the opportunity to define the purpose of using synthesized speech with imitation of Your voice, by enabling/disabling certain areas, including but not limited to the voiceover of articles, podcasts, donations, congratulations.

In addition, You can regulate the purposes for which synthesized speech with imitation of Your voice will be used by the Users of the Website by giving You permission/rejection of requests from other Users of the Website to use such synthesized speech.

Therefore, after You have granted the appropriate permissions to use synthesized speech with imitation of Your voice in all or specific areas and purposes, You have no claims against Us, consequently, We are not responsible and liable to You for any loss or damage caused to You or any third party arising from non-compliance by the Users of the Website with their obligations. However, We will make every effort to protect Your and Our rights and interests of any third parties, including but not limited to registered Users of the SteosVoice platform in the event that other Users of the Website violate the Terms of Service, applicable law.

We are always concerned about You as Users who provide Us with audio files of Your pronunciation of sentences for further speech synthesis with imitation of Your voice. Therefore, you are entitled to a remuneration for such providing in the amount of 20% of the earned profit for granting a speech synthesis service with imitation directly of YOUR voice. You will need to provide the following information in Your account in order to deduct the appropriate remuneration:

  • first name;

  • last name;

  • middle name (if any);

  • date of birth;

  • place of birth;

  • passport details (series and number);

  • passport issue date;

  • payment information (bank card number).

We draw your attention that neither You nor We receive any deductions in the following cases:

  • providing Users with initial access to the Website when registering on the Website within the “FREE” Plan;

  • providing, at Our sole discretion, benefits and/or bonuses for Users to use the services of the Website;

  • synthesizing Your speech with imitation of Your voice.

All money transfers are made through the YooMoney service. By registering on the Website You agree that You, as a User of Our Website, have read the terms of the “Quick Payment via YooMoney service”, the current version of which is available on the Internet at https://yoomoney.ru/pay/page? id=526623.

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, We, as the Website Administration, act as a tax agent for residents of the Russian Federation. Consequently, We withhold personal income tax at a rate of 13% of the amount of the deductions paid (royalties) and immediately transfer to the budget of the Russian Federation. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, residents are obliged to pay this tax on each income received, and We ensure the timely transfer.

Where possible, We prefer to resolve matters in an amicable way, therefore You agree that all emerging disputes and disagreements shall be resolved by negotiations. Start by notifying Us by sending a notice to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or any of the other links set out in this Agreement. If it is impossible to resolve disputes and disagreements by negotiations, they are subject to consideration in court at Our location in accordance with the current procedural legislation of the Russian Federation.

All information received by Us about You in the course of the execution of this Agreement is strictly confidential and not subject to disclosure, except for the cases set out by Our Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, and any other documents on Our Website, or applicable law.

This Agreement is binding between Us and You, as a User, providing Us with audio files of Your pronunciation of sentences for the further creation of a speech synthesis with imitation of Your voice, and is considered by Us as a public offer.

By sending Us audio files of Your pronunciation of sentences to create a speech synthesis system with imitation of Your voice, You fully and unconditionally agree to the Terms of this Agreement.

We reserve the right at any time to make amendments and/or supplements at Our sole direction to this Agreement unilaterally, notifying You in advance.

If You do not agree with this Agreement, amended and/or supplemented Agreement, You should not send Us audio files of Your pronunciation of sentences to create a speech synthesis system with imitation of Your voice, or notify Us of Your disagreement, so that We remove Your synthesized voices from the SteosVoice Website.

Our Details:

LLC “Business Intelligence” (“We”, “Us”, “Our”, “Administration”), located at “350000, Krasnodar Krai, Krasnodar, Dlinnaya Street, 98, office 3/2.3”, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Artificial General Intelligence
© CyberVoice. Powered by Mind Simulation.
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LLC BUSINESS INTELLECT, OGRN 1202300040524, INN 2308274390
350000, Krasnodar region, Krasnodar city, Dlinnaya street, house 98, office 3/2.3
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